Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Fall!

Wow!  Last week was very exciting with lots of activities.  We started Monday off with a special guest!  Drew Taylor invited his mom to come to our classroom.  She entertained us by telling us two fun Halloween stories.  We got to meet Perky the Pumpkin, and he is still hanging on our wall all ready for Halloween!  We also got to listen to Drew play his violin!  That was really awesome!  The kids were really impressed and were excited to know that they can take orchestra through the school when they are in 4th grade!! 

I also want to thank all of the parents that attended Parent/Teacher Conferences last week!  It was so nice to visit with you about your child's progress in 2nd grade.  It has been a fantastic year so far!  Thank you for all of your hard work in encouraging your child to read at home and practice flashcards every night!

Mrs. Taylor

Mrs. Taylor telling a cute story!

Drew playing some music on his violin!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Animal Research

Jack is doing research on his animal, the peacock!

Natalie and Kain are sharing animal information

Molly and Gerardo are researching...Wow! Hard workers!

So proud of Lupita!  She is learning English and working very hard!
We completed our "Animals and their Habitat" unit with an Animal Research Project! The kids were excited to be able to pick their favorite animal to research!  They chose books from the classroom, library, and did extended research on computers.  Wow, it was amazing to watch them navigate on the computers to find answers to their questions!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Field Trip!

Friday was a windy, but fun day for our class!  We went on a field trip to the Prairie Heritage Center AND BV County Park in Peterson!  While we were there, we got to see and do so many things!  See all of our fun pictures below!
 Digging for fossils!
 Snake activities
 Gerardo is learning about bugs and reptiles! 
Aysia and Isabel are looking at how snakes slither!
Ernesto is being attacked by a snake!  Wait... it's only a snake made out of a paper plate!  Way to scare the teacher, Ernesto!